Our Story

Born from a family of coffee farmers in the Eastern region of Ethiopia , growing up on the coffee plantations , as a kid I used to be fascinated with the process of seeding coffee, My father was one the few farmers who supplies coffee seeds to the local farmers to plant and grow coffee, the process requires a certain level of knowledge and skill. Watching the whole process of raising the tiny seed to fully grown coffee trees made me fall in love with this miracle plant called coffee.  The geographical location and the elevation of the coffee farms in this region produces some of the best Harar Coffee. In this particular region Coffee Farmers have a tradition where they can predict the upcoming harvest of their coffee beans crops quality by  evaluating the color of the coffee leaves and they say in the local native language “yoo Baaloo bareede Buna bareede” meaning if the color of the leaves looks good the beans will be best, and the beautiful green thick leaves will soon be over taken by the bright white flowers, the blossom flowers gradually fades  away and turns into a small green berry like fruits,it will start developing in size and color and slowly the tiny unripe green the size of small blueberry gets bigger the size of cherry and turns In to bright yellow and then the ripe cherry like in color red comes a the end, It is very important to the farmers that this  steps must repeat year in and out as they continue in their cycle of coffee farming life , it is a hard task to maintain.

Baaloo Coffee is very fortunate to be part of this farmers as we still have a Family owned farm in this region, our company is working very closely with the farmers to provide an exceptional specialty Harar and other premium Ethiopian coffee to our customers. we are trying our best to help the farmers in this region and with all means we can to make the farmers produce better quality coffee . 

Our goal is to provide great specialty coffee from across coffee growing regions of Ethiopia and Eastern Africa.

Baaloo Coffee is primarily a specialty Coffee import and Roaster Located in Memphis TN.  

– Baaloo Coffee Company –

[ Born from a family of coffee farmers ]